Body Sculpting Cream


Product Details

"Body Sculpting Cream"
Cellulite is caused by hormones, diet, insufficient fluid intake, slowing of metabolism, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption), and decreased physical activity. It is mostly seen in women, in the back and upper part of the leg, but can also be seen in other areas.

Body Sculpting Cream is formulated to care for the skin in the abdomen, legs, waist, and hip areas and make it look smooth. It helps the skin to have a silky appearance through the actives it contains.

Important Actives in The Content


✔ Paraben Free
Through the actives in it, it increases the energy of the skin. It helps to break down the fat while helping to reduce the appearance of orange peel, smooth appearance, and eliminate the problems caused by the decrease in physical activities.
Carnitin: It increases the body's energy and allows the breakdown of fat.

Caffein: By breaking down the fat cells, it helps the skin to look smoother and straighter.

Genistein: By activating reduced collagen production over time, it helps the skin to tighten.

Plantafluid: Accelerates cell regeneration. Supports the production of collagen. It allows the skin to be smooth and thin.

Spirula: It leads to the dissolving of fat accumulations in reconfiguration with its firming effect. It tightens the skin and helps regain its form.
» In the appearance of orange peel, which occurs on the legs and other areas,
» In sagging of the belly, legs, and arms,
» To support the treatment which is applied by health professionals in regional thinning, cellulite treatments, and tightening applications to ensure the thinning, tightening, and smooth appearance,
» By the recommendation of health professionals to eliminate and prevent the existing problem, it is suitable for daily use.
Skin smoothness increase: 41%
Skin elasticity increase: 57%
Reduction of Cellulite Appearance: 37%Thinning of Leg Circumference: -3.8cm

RESULT : It makes the skin smoother and increases its elasticity. It reduces the appearance of cellulite. It provides thinning and tightening in the applied area.

41% increase in Skin Smoothness
57% increase in Skin Elasticity
Thinning of Leg Circumference-3.8
Decrease in Orange Peel Appearance37%